Contact Ketchum & Company

Kim Ketchum

"If you want your insurance broker to be painstakingly thorough, meticulous about details, educated in his field, and posess a long track record of honesty and integrity in a very competitive industry... then we would like to apply for the position of working with you."

Kim Ketchum, Owner
Ketchum & Company

The cost of long-term care and disability income insurance is surprisingly affordable. There are many options regarding the monthly benefit, length of payment, etc. that can be adjusted to fit each person's budget. Ketchum & Company will help you find the options that work best for you. Contact Kim Ketchum today for a free consultation.

Contact Kim Ketchum, CLTC, CSS:

1305 N. Holden Road
Greensboro, NC 27410


Kim Ketchum is certified in long-term care insurance, a member of the American Association of Long Term Care Insurance, and a Certified Senior Specialist (CSS). He is the occupation-specific disability insurance member services provider to five professional societies.

Member Services Provider
North Carolina Medical Society
North Carolina Optometric Society
Greater Greensboro Society of Medicine
High Point Medical Society
Greater Piedmont Association of Physicians of Indian Origin